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June, 1992



Fourteen of us made it back to the mountainside for this reunion.  Left to right: Joe Coffee, Bob Lang, Anson Perina, Dave Griswold, Kip Smith, Tom Bird, Kiyohiko Toh, Ned Groth, Peter Gorday, Carl Braun, Bill Anthony, John Ho, Gene Cook, Scott Leake.  Kiyo got the long-distance award for all alumni that weekend again; coming from Tokyo tends to qualify for that.






For some of us, it was a chance to renew old friendships with people we hadn’t seen for 30 years.  For both Carl and P.J., this was their first Darrow reunion since our college days.






Gris, Joe, Kip and Anson chat as we wait for the photographer to line us up for the group portrait, behind the new Dairy Barn.







The school put us up in Ann Lee; our class had the whole dorm.  Here, a bunch of us couldn’t wait for a formal group photo, snapped this one of the early arrivals on Friday afternoon.



This shot was taken at the Alumni Day dinner in the dining hall Saturday night.  Dave Griswold, Colleen and Gene Cook, Joe and Laurie Coffee here enjoyed the good food and free beer at one of three or four tables filled by ’62 and our family members.






Here, I think Bob was eating just a salad and Gris was razzing him about it.








Tom Bird explains to Virginia Gorday that he is actually, officially, a member of two alumni classes, ’62 and ’63.









nineSaturday morning, we spent a lot of time just hanging around on the athletic field, talking with old friends.








Scott Leake was one of the Saturday arrivals; he drove down from his farm in Bennington.  Although he was recovering from brain surgery, Scott wouldn’t miss our reunion!








The beer flowed generously.  Kip felt as if his hand were missing something….








P.J. and Harry Savage ’59, in front of Wickersham







Bill Anthony also came up just for the day on Saturday.  Here, he chats with Chip Detwiller ’61, a reunions regular.






Carl and John among the fans at the alumni-faculty softball game. 





Joe and Ned visit with Coach Mahnken.   On Ned’s back, his son, Daniel.







John and Jean Joline were there, looking young and vigorous as ever.








On Sunday, there was a chapel service, and P.J., one of several ordained clergy among alumni present, participated in the ceremonies.






(Note: This page is open to additional photos sent in by others who attended.)






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